Created by Joerseven (Joe) and Shnuckles (Isaac)

  1. Whack A Mole Rules: Place moles on unoccupied squares. Moles will hide on the turn shown by their number. The closest visible mole will become the target. Each turn then next mole will hide then the farmer will move one space towards the targeted mole. A mole stops being targeted when it hides. Don’t let your moles get caught. Lure the farmer on to an empty mole hill to win!
  2. Music - David Renda (Feslian Studios royalty free music)


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movement is working ? becasue i have no idea how to move...

Hi! You drag the moles onto the screen then press play if that's what you mean? You don't move yourself. 

The third level never ends. otherwise its a great game and I like the art especially the comically large hammer that the farmer has

Hi, if the level is in a loop you can press the reset button! The third level is solvable just a bit challenging! Thanks for the feedback.